natural scene decoding ophys

This is an example of how to decode natural images from ophys traces in V1

First, let’s download an experiment from the Allen Institute Brain Observatory

from allensdk.core.brain_observatory_cache import BrainObservatoryCache

boc = BrainObservatoryCache()

OEID = 541206592
nwb_dataset = boc.get_ophys_experiment_data(OEID)

Next, we’ll load the dF/F traces and put them in a DataFrame

timestamps, dff = nwb_dataset.get_dff_traces()
neuron_ids = nwb_dataset.get_cell_specimen_ids()

import pandas as pd
traces = pd.DataFrame(



541510267  541510270    ...      541509957  541511118
10.30338   0.219740   0.151908    ...       0.360267   0.156850
10.33655   0.167939   0.142997    ...       0.308192   0.108658
10.36972   0.136697   0.068048    ...       0.295819   0.033781
10.40289   0.157216   0.105795    ...       0.329818   0.098048
10.43606   0.130490   0.097038    ...       0.487283   0.066526

[5 rows x 154 columns]

Next, we’ll load stim_table

stim_table = nwb_dataset.get_stimulus_table('natural_scenes')


frame  start    end
0     92  16126  16133
1     27  16134  16141
2     52  16141  16148
3     37  16149  16156
4    103  16156  16163

The stim_table lists stimulus times in terms of the start and end frames of the calcium traces, but we need start times and durations for neuroglia, so we’ll need to reshape

stim_table['time'] = timestamps[stim_table['start']]
stim_table['duration'] = timestamps[stim_table['end']+1] - stim_table['time']



frame  start    end       time  duration
0     92  16126  16133  545.22975   0.26537
1     27  16134  16141  545.49512   0.26538
2     52  16141  16148  545.72733   0.26537
3     37  16149  16156  545.99270   0.26538
4    103  16156  16163  546.22491   0.26538

Reduce the traces to responses

import numpy as np
from neuroglia.epoch import EpochTraceReducer

reducer = EpochTraceReducer(traces,func=np.mean)
X = reducer.fit_transform(stim_table)
y = stim_table['frame'].values

Do some dimensionality reduction on the responses

from sklearn.decomposition import PCA
pca = PCA()
X_reduced = pca.fit_transform(X)

Plot the first two Principal Components

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

Total running time of the script: ( 8 minutes 35.657 seconds)

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